17 Things You Should Never Say Sorry For

Apologizing when necessary is a good trait, separating you from unempathetic people. However, apologizing too often can put you in a position to be disrespected and taken advantage of. Take a look at the following 17 things you should never say sorry for, and you’ll see what we mean! Saying “No” Saying no should never … Read more

19 Reasons Your Breakup Might Have Been a Huge Mistake

Breakups are tough, and the aftermath can be filled with confusion. Did you do the right thing? Or did you end a ‘good thing’ too soon? Knowing whether you made the right choice is crucial if you’re considering rekindling the romance and can help you navigate future relationships. Here are 19 signs that breaking up … Read more

19 Clues You’re More Selfish Than You’d Like to Admit

Some behaviors that are often deemed normal could reveal that you’re a selfish person. You’ll find 19 examples of these behaviors in this article. You Gossip CNN says that the average person spends 52 minutes every day gossiping. But no matter how often people do it, gossiping is still wrong and spreads information that is … Read more

18 Habits You Need to Break After Turning 50

Turning 50 is a pretty big deal–you’re slowly creeping into old age, so it’s time to be more serious about your physical, mental, financial, and social well-being. If you want to maximize your comfort for the latter parts of your life, it’s best to stop doing the following 18 things today. Being Pessimistic A study … Read more