6 Ways to Stay Organized on Long Journeys

It is easy to miss out on any good opportunities when things are in disorder, and you are embarking on a long journey. Being organized on trips takes a bit of strategy, and some tried and tested steps will follow below, so you can stay on top of things and enjoy your journey no matter where you are going. Here are a few different ways to stay organized on long journeys.

Photo Credit: Diego Cervo/Shutterstock.

Start with the foundation

Steps to take:

  • Step 1:  Starting with your itinerary should be the first step of your long journey. Planning the outline of your trip from start to finish can start things off with a smooth transition. You can make use of resources such as travel apps to outline things such as your accommodation, flight, and leisure activities. The more details you put into it, the better.
  • Step 2: The secondary information should come next. This is where you research information about the weather, transport options, and any cultural knowledge you need to know about. 
  • Step 3: Once you have your research at hand, think about what things to pack. Creating a list will help here. This could mean taking items of clothing, electronics, essential miscellaneous objects, and any other important items.  

How to pack like a smart traveler

Tips on how to do this:

  • Tip 1: Choose your hand luggage wisely, such as a light suitcase or bag pack, depending on where you’re going. 
  • Tip 2: There is a popular concept amongst experienced campers, which is the “Rule of Three”, as mentioned on this ‘world outdoor web’ site. It’s based on the concept of packing three pairs of a few items of clothing—three pairs of socks, three shirts, and three pants or underwear, etc. It will help to keep overpacking at bay.
  • Tip 3: Items that serve a purpose are key. It could be a towel or a blanket to take on the flight.

Arriving at your destination

Once you have arrived at your destination, continue to stay organized.

  • Step 1: Before you do anything else, unpack your bags and place your belongings in appropriate and reachable places. 
  • Step 2: Once you have finished unpacking, using digital maps or travel apps can help you get around. Something to take note of is having copies of your important documents on your phone under a password. 
  • Step 3: When your day is done, think about your plans for the next day to avoid being overwhelmed when you wake up. Things to check beforehand will include the weather. Having a rough idea of what you plan on doing can help stay organized.

Managing your finances to stay organized

Being organized includes managing your finances when you are on a long journey. Things to keep in mind include:

  • Your budget
  • Using banking apps
  • Keeping track of your spending
  • Saving all the receipts on your trip for your records

Always stay connected

  • Step 1: One of the most important things to have is connection at all times. Make sure when you do your research before you start your trip to check if you need an international SIM card or if places accept credit cards or only cash.
  • Step 2: Backing up your data regularly while you’re on your trip should be considered so you don’t lose any information.
  • Step 3: Send regular updates to any family members or friends, letting them know where you are and what you’re up to. A simple message via WhatsApp is free.

Stay safe and healthy 

Falling ill on a trip is never fun, so steer clear of drinking things like tap water if you aren’t sure it’s safe. Steps to take:

  • Step 1: Stay hydrated at all times. Carry bottled water with you at all times.
  • Step 2: Try not to overdo it with food and drinks while on your journey.
  • Step 3: Include some light exercises daily, such as stretching, meditation, or yoga. Hotel gyms are a great option for the swimming pool. Explore the surrounding areas.
  • Step 4: Sometimes different time zones can affect our bodies. Take a break or some downtime for relaxation so you can stay energized. 

The key to an organized trip lies in continuous planning before, during, and after, as well as maintaining balance at all times.