After reaching 60, you risk being called a grumpy old person as you develop pet peeves that were never present before. However, we’re on your side–the younger generation just doesn’t understand, especially with these 17 relatable pet peeves that only people over 60 will get.
Being Considered Technologically Inept
It’s a common joke that people over 60 don’t know how to use technology, but that’s often not the case. Nowadays, most people of all ages own cell phones and laptops, and many older people are perfectly capable of using them without assistance. So, don’t just assume that we’re technologically inept!
People Assuming You Need Help
Young people usually mean well when they offer to help older people, but these assumptions are a regular gripe for those over 60. Rushing to help someone who hasn’t asked just because they’re older than you is often perceived as rude, and it infringes on our autonomy, as we’re usually still able-bodied.
Backhanded Compliments
Nobody enjoys receiving a backhanded compliment, but they’re particularly frustrating for older people because ageist ‘compliments’ are normalized by society. Sixty and Me criticizes compliments ending with ‘for your age’ in particular for being condescending towards people over 60 and perpetuating ageist stereotypes.
Too Much Noise
Our ears become more sensitive to noise as we age, so too much noise is a prevalent pet peeve for people over 60. Nowadays, there are loud noises everywhere, so we oldies will naturally spend less time in loud places, making us even more susceptible to complaining about loudness.
Modern Slang
Modern slang bewilders most people over 35, but it’s particularly alien to people over 60. Everything nowadays has an abbreviation, so it’s difficult for older people to understand younger generations and keep up with current trends. Slang is a pet peeve for many because it makes communication harder.
Interrupted Sleep
As we age, our quality of sleep declines, so it’s a serious pet peeve when we are interrupted during deep sleep. Furthermore, if our body and brain aren’t properly rested, our muscles don’t recover, and we become irritable. So, if you’re sick of hearing us complain, stop interrupting our sleep!
QR Code Menus
The pandemic gave rise to QR code menus, which are now used exclusively in many establishments. Whilst they’re easy if you’re tech-savvy, people over 60 tend to hate them as they require app downloads, account registration, and email verifications. Bring back a good old-fashioned menu, we say!
‘Okay, Boomer’ Jokes
Us baby boomers have heard the ‘Okay, boomer’ phrase one too many times: This humor is designed to dismiss and mock people aged over 60, and whilst it may have been amusing the first time hearing it, it’s now just getting plain offensive. Respect your elders!
Card-Only Payments
We’re heading towards an inevitably cashless society, but many older people aren’t ready to accept this. Research by the University of California suggests that a cashless society discriminates against the older generation who prefer the convenience of cash, making card-only payments a common pet peeve for those over 60.
Extreme Digitization
Menus aren’t the only victims of extreme digitization in this modern age. Plenty of stores rely primarily on self-checkouts now, and many fast food restaurants require you to order on a screen. This type of digitization feels unnecessary, and it’s jarring for us old folk. Give us a chance to catch up!
Humidity is irritating enough when you’re young, but people over 60 seriously find it particularly uncomfortable. The older you are, the lower your heat tolerance because it’s more difficult for older people to regulate their temperatures. As a result, don’t be surprised to hear us complaining, even on a tropical vacation!
Subscriptions For Everything
Years ago, owning everything you paid for was the norm, but that isn’t the case anymore. Now, we have subscriptions to everything, including music, television, and news outlets. Is it really that surprising that this is a pet peeve of people over 60? It just feels unfair, inconvenient, and unnecessary.
Unrealistic Beauty Expectations
People over 60, especially women, are constantly subjected to unrealistic body expectations, which are a source of huge irritation. That’s Not My Age criticizes ageist beauty standards, particularly those targeted at women with gray hair and skin wrinkles. This is a natural part of getting old, so leave us alone!
Bad Table Manners
Bad table manners are constantly criticized as the epitome of poor etiquette, and they’re particularly frustrating to older people. Etiquette standards have slipped in recent years, but we over-60s still hate seeing people talk loudly at the table, chew with their mouths open, or use their phones during a meal.
Passing Fads and Trends
Nowadays, society is extremely fast-paced, so fads and trends only last a short time. This makes it difficult for us older people to keep up with the youth, making us feel isolated and rejected. We want to stay young at heart, so give us a hand here!
Unanswered Phone Calls
Younger generations often joke about older people never texting, but we have a real pet peeve when their phone calls go unanswered. This might concern us, so we’ll leave a voicemail, and even that gets no answer! What’s the point of having a phone if you don’t answer it?
Being Infantilized
Last but not least, it’s incredibly frustrating for older people to be infantilized. According to HuffPost, older people are often the victims of ‘elderspeak,’ meaning they’re treated more like children than functioning adults. It’s incredibly dehumanizing not to be taken seriously when we hit 60, so if you’re a young reader, please remember this!