Easy Fall Cleaning Tips

These easy fall cleaning tips will help you get your home in order before winter arrives! With just a little bit of effort, you can have your home looking spick and span in no time. These tips are easy to follow and will have your house and yard tidy before you know it.

Imagine coming home to a clean and organized house after a long day at work. Wouldn’t that feel great? Getting your home in shape for winter doesn’t have to be hard – just follow these simple tips and you’ll be on your way.

Follow our easy fall cleanup tips today!

These easy fall cleanup tips are sure to help you get organized before the winter months set in. All it takes is a little bit of elbow grease and your home will be on its way to getting into shape for winter.

Photo Credit: Konstantin Zibert/Shutterstock.

Easy Fall Cleaning Tips

Now that fall is in full swing, it’s time to start thinking about cleaning up. Here are a few easy tips to help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

First, make a plan. Decide what needs to be done and create a timeline for getting it done. This will help you stay on track and avoid getting overwhelmed.

Next, focus on one area at a time. Don’t try to tackle everything all at once. Instead, start with the area that is most important to you or that will take the longest to complete.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you have family or friends who are willing to lend a hand, take them up on their offer! Splitting up the work will make the whole process go much smoother.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to get your fall cleanup done in no time!

Clear leaves and debris in your yard

With the cooler weather, leaves begin to fall from the trees making autumn the perfect time for a yard cleanup! Start by removing any leaves that have piled up on your lawn, sidewalks, and driveway.

If you have lots of trees, and therefore lots of leaves, you can skip the rake and use a leaf blower instead. It’s great for getting down in between trees and is much faster than raking.

Prune and prep bushes and trees

Prune your bushes and trees to prepare them for winter. Be sure to remove dead twigs and branches.

All your hard work will pay off this spring when everything is green and growing again.

Organize your tool shed

Take care of outdoor furniture, tools, and gadgets. Spray everything down with a garden hose, let it dry thoroughly, and store it for the winter.

Get your messy tool shed reorganized so you can safely store things through the winter.

Check your garage door

If your home has a garage, it is important to check your garage door to be sure it is functioning properly before the winter months set in.

Make sure it closes properly. If it needs repairs, don’t put it off. An unsecured door can cause a draft which will increase your winter energy bill.

Store Summer Clothing

It can be difficult to say goodbye to sundresses and sandals once summer comes to an end. However, if you live in a colder climate, make sure to store any clothes that aren’t being worn during the winter.

Moving your summer clothes to the basement or an extra closet will allow you more space for your bulkier winter clothing and coats.

Wash windows and door frames

Summer storms can cake windows and door frames with dirt, dust, and leaves. Take some time this fall to wash your windows and wipe down your door frames.

Cleaning the windows in the autumn months will give you a clear view of the winter snowfalls that are soon to arrive.

Do a home walk-through

As you go through your home, be sure to examine the walls and ceilings to see if there are any small cracks that have developed this year

If you find any, make a point to get them fixed before cold weather sets in.

Follow up on non-essential home repairs

If you have a leak, a broken cabinet or other small problem that needs to be fixed, take care of it immediately so that you can avoid paying for an even bigger bill down the road.  

Kits for minor home repairs can be purchased at your local hardware store.

Home safety

Now that you have cleaned and prepped for the upcoming season change, it’s time to make sure you’re ready in case of weather emergencies.

Make sure that you and everyone else in your household are aware of places to take refuge if you are hit by dangerous weather conditions this fall and winter.

Stock up on batteries. Find all of the flashlights in the house and replace the batteries. It’s never a bad time to practice a fire drill!

Fall is the perfect time to get your home in order before winter sets in. These easy tips will help you clean and organize your house quickly and efficiently, so you can relax and enjoy the colder months ahead.

Have you tried any of these tips? Let us know how they worked for you in the comments below!

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