21 Debunked Superstitions That People Still Believe

Superstitions have been part of our lives for ages, influencing how we think and act. Even with all our scientific knowledge, many of these old myths stick around. Let’s take a look at 21 common beliefs that have been proven false but still affect people’s thoughts and behaviors.

Breaking a Mirror

Photo Credit: I’m Conqueror/Shutterstock

It turns out that breaking a mirror doesn’t actually bring seven years of bad luck. The University of Carolina explains how this superstition started back when ancient cultures viewed mirrors as soul portals. It’s an accident, nothing more –  simply clean up carefully and move on with your day.

Walking Under a Ladder

Photo Credit: Viacheslav Nikolaenko/Shutterstock

Here’s some good news for those who avoid walking under ladders: this common myth doesn’t affect your luck. The real reason to walk around ladders is simple safety, as someone working above might accidentally drop something. Use your common sense, and you’ll be perfectly fine.

Black Cats Crossing Your Path

Photo Credit: Giedriius/Shutterstock

You’ll be happy to know that a black cat crossing your path is nothing more than a cat going about its day. Back in medieval times, people got it in their heads that these felines were witches’ sidekicks. In reality, black cats are just as lovable as any other color cat. Give the next one you see a smile instead of worrying about bad luck.

Friday the 13th

Photo Credit: Gustavo Frazao/Shutterstock

You can breathe easy knowing that Friday the 13th is only another day on the calendar. People must have mixed up fears about Fridays and the number 13 to create this strange belief. Studies show nothing out of the ordinary happens on this date, so you can go about your business as usual with nothing to worry about.

Knocking on Wood

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Most people don’t realize that knocking on wood after mentioning good fortune is just an old habit. Tree spirits were once thought to live in wood, leading to this practice, but it doesn’t affect your luck at all. Instead of relying on this ritual, try keeping a positive outlook and making good choices.

Opening an Umbrella Indoors

Photo Credit: Michal Ludwiczak/Shutterstock

Interestingly enough, opening an umbrella indoors is also perfectly fine. Long ago, when umbrellas were huge and unwieldy, this superstition made some sense. These days, our compact umbrellas are much easier to handle, so feel free to open yours when needed.

Stepping on Cracks

Photo Credit: Morocko/Shutterstock

The old saying “Step on a crack, break your mother’s back” is a silly rhyme with no truth to it. Kids probably came up with this game to make walking more interesting, but your mom’s health has absolutely nothing to do with where you step. Walk normally and enjoy your surroundings without worry.

Beginner’s Luck

Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

Many of us believe in beginner’s luck, but it’s not actually a real thing. Our brains tend to remember the times newbies win and forget when they lose. Games of chance are all about probability, not some magical force favoring first-timers. It’s important to know that experience often helps more than blind luck in most situations.

Rabbit’s Foot for Luck

Photo Credit: e_rik/Shutterstock

Did you know that carrying a rabbit’s foot has some pretty dark origins? Despite its popularity, it’s not a magical good luck charm, as your success and happiness come from our own efforts and decisions. Focus on working towards your goals instead of relying on trinkets for a boost in fortune.

Saying “Bless You” After a Sneeze

Photo Credit: Estrada Anton/Shutterstock

Saying “bless you” after a sneeze is a polite habit now, but centuries ago, people thought it kept evil spirits from entering the body. While it’s a nice gesture, it doesn’t protect anyone from illness or misfortune. Feel free to acknowledge sneezes out of kindness, not superstition.

Throwing Salt Over Your Shoulder

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You can’t ward off bad luck by throwing salt over your left shoulder, either. People used to think spilling salt was a bad omen because it was so valuable. These days, it’s just a small mess to clean up. There’s no need for special rituals—a quick sweep, and you’re good to go.

Four-Leaf Clovers

Photo Credit: Leigh Prather/Shutterstock

Believe it or not, four-leaf clovers don’t have magical powers; they’re simply a rare genetic quirk in clover plants. Spotting one is fun, but it won’t change your fortune. Your life improves through effort and a positive attitude, not by finding unusual plants. Enjoy nature’s quirks without expecting them to bring you luck.

Wishing on a Shooting Star

Photo Credit: AstroStar/Shutterstock

You might be surprised to learn that shooting stars are actually space debris burning up. They’re a beautiful sight, but those streaks of light have no power over your life. The only way to make wishes come true is to set goals and work toward them.

Crossing Your Fingers

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Here’s a reality check for those who cross their fingers for luck: this gesture started as a symbol in early Christianity. In order to succeed, you need to make smart decisions and take action, not just put your hands in the right positions. Put your energy into doing your best rather than relying on symbolic gestures.

Breaking a Wishbone

Photo Credit: Debbie Nel/Shutterstock

It turns out that breaking a wishbone is simply a fun tradition, not a way to influence fate. This custom has been around for centuries, but it doesn’t have any real power. Your wishes are more likely to happen if you actively work towards them, so enjoy this for what it is: a simple game.

Itchy Palms

Photo Credit: AstroStar/Shutterstock

Contrary to old superstitions, an itchy palm is usually just dry skin. Many cultures have different beliefs about what it means, but in reality, it’s probably time to use some moisturizer. Don’t read too much into it—take care of your skin and carry on with your day without worrying about hidden meanings.

Lucky Pennies

Photo Credit: KC Slagle/Shutterstock

Many of us have heard about lucky pennies, but they’re nothing more than small bits of copper. You shape your fortune by the choices you make and the attitude you adopt, not by what you have in your pocket. If you spot a coin on the ground, feel free to pick it up for the boost to your piggy bank, not for any supposed luck.

Bad Luck Comes in Threes

Photo Credit: Lolostock/Shutterstock

The idea that misfortunes happen in threes is our brain trying to find patterns. Good and bad things can happen any number of times without any real connection; there is no need to stress yourself out over this belief. Face challenges as they come without worrying about some magical number.

Saying “Jinx”

Photo Credit: Pro-stock Studio/Shutterstock

If you’ve ever said “jinx” when someone speaks in unison with you, you’re part of a long tradition. This playful custom is fun but doesn’t affect your luck, it is simply a tradition that’s been passed down through generations. Enjoy it with friends, but remember it’s all in good fun.

Carrying a Lucky Charm

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Lots of people carry “lucky” objects, from coins to crystals. These items might make you feel more confident, but they don’t have magical properties. Your success comes from your own hard work and positive attitude. Use charms as personal reminders if you like, but don’t expect them to change your luck.

Avoiding Cracks in the Sidewalk

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As children, we used to play a game on the playground that told us to avoid sidewalk cracks to avoid injuries. This myth probably started as a way to make walking more entertaining for kids. Nobody’s well-being is affected by where you step, including your mom’s. You can walk normally and enjoy your surroundings instead of watching your feet.

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Photo Credit: kurhan/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Viorel Sima/Shutterstock

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