17 Air Travel Mistakes Every Passenger Should Avoid

If you aren’t a frequent flyer, then it can be hard to know about plane etiquette or things you can do to make yourself more comfortable on a flight. For example, you shouldn’t skip lines, and you should always stay hydrated. Here are 17 things you should never do when flying. Touch Your Face Try … Read more

18 Tourist Behaviors Americans Don’t Approve Of

Although Americans have a reputation for being bad tourists, people from other countries also misbehave when visiting the United States. From cultural differences to poor body language, here are 18 problematic tourist behaviors to avoid the next time you visit anywhere in America! Not Tipping Tipping culture in the US is very different from other … Read more

18 Eye-Opening Regional Differences Across the U.S.

The US is a diverse country. It has many different regions that all have something unique to offer. In this article, you will see 18 ways that these regions differ in climate, culture, geography, and other areas. Rainfall New York is one of the wettest cities in the US. There is rainfall in this city … Read more

18 US Locations That Seem Otherworldly

Have you ever dreamed of going to space? Well, if you live in the United States—you don’t have to! From Death Valley in California to Crater Lake in Oregon, there are tons of places across the country that look like they’ve come straight from your favorite sci-fi movies. In this article, we’ll uncover 18 of … Read more

18 Top States Americans Are Moving to for a Fresh Start

Since the pandemic, many Americans have started working at home and have decided to pack their bags and move states. New career prospects, a rural lifestyle, or a lower cost of living are just a few of the multiple reasons for this internal migration. Here are 18 states that Americans are choosing as their new … Read more