19 Products at Walmart That Aren’t Worth Your Money

Walmart is a great place to buy a ton of affordable stuff! You could certainly do most of your shopping there if you wanted, but we recommend that you avoid buying these 19 things from there if possible. Toys It’s true that Walmart often has a huge selection of toys, but this doesn’t mean you … Read more

21 Tipping Mistakes That Drive Restaurant Servers Crazy

We’ve all dined out, but sometimes, we may not realize the impact of our tipping habits on restaurant servers. They work hard and depend on tips to make a living. Here are 21 common tipping mistakes that can annoy your server without you even knowing. Leaving No Tip at All Believe it or not, leaving … Read more

20 Things Americans Waste Money On Without Realizing

Many Americans often spend money on things they don’t really need, sometimes without even knowing it. It’s easy to lose track of where your cash goes, and here are 20 common ways money disappears without notice, each draining your wallet in its own sneaky way. Daily Coffee Runs CNBC writes, “Let’s say you spend around … Read more

18 Common Devices That Are Inflating Your Energy Bill

Saving money is more important than ever, so it’s key to know all the tips and tricks needed to lower your bills. Electrical appliances are useful, but they also cost a lot to run. Here are 18 appliances that you probably have and that are sure to raise your energy bill. Space Heaters According to … Read more

17 Purchases That Should Always Be Made in Cash

Credit and debit cards are very convenient, we know. However, you shouldn’t use them in every situation. We’ve compiled 17 different items and places where payments in cash are better for both you and the vendor. Grooming and Salon Services With grooming and salon services, you’re usually better off tipping service providers with cash than … Read more