17 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Many desire to lose weight, and exercising may just be too much to bear. Thankfully, this isn’t the only way you can stay within healthy weight limits. Here are 17 things that can also help you shed some of that extra, unnecessary fat. Portion Control Safe portion control involves using small-portion servings for high-calorie foods. … Read more

17 Internet Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of

Online scams are becoming increasingly common and clever. Even the most tech-savvy of Americans are at risk of falling victim to fraudster tactics. From spoofing to employment fraud, here are 17 scams you don’t want to be caught up in. Romance Scams Romance scams set out to exploit people on dating and social media sites … Read more

18 Things Society Claims You’re Too Old to Do After 60

As the years go by and we get older in a changing society, the younger generations tend to impose stereotypes on older people about things they can and can’t do. These viewpoints can be ageist and undermine the abilities of adults. Here are 18 common things society implies you’re too old for after you turn … Read more

Stop Using These 17 Phrases That Introverts Hate to Hear

Introverts, who make up a significant portion of the population, prefer quiet, minimally stimulating environments and often need time alone to recharge their batteries. When interacting with introverts, it’s important to be mindful of the things you say, as certain phrases can be particularly off-putting or even distressing to them. Here are 17 things you … Read more

18 Characteristics That Can Cause Loneliness

Loneliness is marked by feelings of isolation, despite wanting social connections. It is often perceived as an involuntary separation, rejection, or abandonment by other people. Certain personality traits can lead to a person feeling lonely—here are 18 of these traits. Neuroticism High levels of neuroticism are associated with a higher risk of feeling lonely. “Neuroticism, … Read more