21 Things the Bible Clearly Warns Against Doing

The Bible offers guidance on many aspects of life, including behaviors to avoid. Here’s a look at 21 things the Bible cautions against, providing insights to help you navigate your path with greater awareness and understanding. Idolatry We all have priorities, but the Bible warns against putting anything above your relationship with God. This could … Read more

18 Security Slip-Ups Making Your Home a Burglar’s Dream

Keeping your home and its contents safe and secure should be a top priority for anyone. Still, it can be easy to become inattentive, especially in areas where crime is typically low. Here, we explore 18 common mistakes people make that may inadvertently make their homes more appealing and accessible to thieves and other criminals. … Read more

18 States Where Taxes Are Draining Your Paycheck

Southern states generally tax their citizens less than their northern counterparts, and Florida, Tennessee, and Texas lack a personal income tax. Northern states are known for their higher taxes, and these 18 states can eat up Americans’ salaries. New York New York has one of the highest state income tax rates in the U.S. Forbes … Read more

21 Old-School Habits That Show You’re Definitely Over 50

In case you’re feeling a little nostalgic, here are some classic habits that show you’ve hit the big 50. There’s a certain charm that comes with being over 50 and familiar behaviors that only you can appreciate. Here are 21 old-school habits that are typically seen as we gain life experience. Sending Postcards As you … Read more

17 Pit Bull Traits That Make Them Great Pets

Often referred to as ‘Pitties,’ American Pit Bull Terriers face significant negative stigma and prejudice, mainly due to their robust frames and history as fighting dogs. But beneath the often-misunderstood exterior lies a goofy, loving, and trainable companion that makes a great family pet—here are 17 reasons why they deserve to be appreciated. Great with … Read more