Some rules simply don’t make sense. But even though they’re illogical, people still abide by them. Which rules are we talking about? You’ll find 19 examples of them in this article.
Eating On Public Transportation
Eating on public transportation is something that is banned in some places and extremely frowned upon in others. Because of how negatively it’s viewed, most people refrain from eating food while using the subway or traveling on a bus. They do this even when it greatly inconveniences them.
Daylight Saving Time
According to a University of Chicago poll, says Psychology Today, 75 percent of Americans would prefer to end the practice of switching the clocks twice a year. Although most people agree that changing the clocks disrupts sleep and throws us off schedule, we still have to do it.
Movie Theater Popcorn
Most people know that you can’t bring your own popcorn to a movie theater, even though movie theater popcorn is way overpriced. WiseGEEK says the markup on movie theater popcorn can be as much as 1,300%—it’s where cinemas make most of their profits.
Cell Phones At Work
Business News Daily says that employees waste, on average, more than two hours per day using their phones. Because of this, many workplaces have established a strict, no cell phone policy. However, banning cell phone usage entirely can make people delay when tending to important family emergencies.
Tattoos to Work
Statistics from the Pew Research Center say that 32% of Americans have a tattoo, and 22% of those have more than one. But although tattoos are becoming increasingly popular, many work establishments require their workers to cover up all visible tattoos while they’re on the premises.
Piercings to Work
Another law that suppresses people’s freedom to do what they want with their bodies is the one that limits how many piercings you can have at the workplace. Business says that body modifications are becoming more mainstream. But only time will tell if companies will ever get to speed with our ever-changing world.
Open-Toed Work Shoes
Sandals, flip-flops, and open-toed work shoes are normally frowned upon in business settings. Open-toed shoes are deemed too casual and inappropriate for the setting. But some medical professionals find their way around this law by wearing all-white or black Crocs, which are very breathable without socks.
Elevator Conversations
When you get in an elevator with a stranger, most people agree that you must keep silent. The Seattle Times has the figures and says that seven billion elevator trips happen every day, and two-thirds of the people riding do so in complete silence. But this unwritten law is nonsensical, to say the least.
Because of copyright issues, some establishments won’t allow you to take photos with your cell phone while you visit them. The laws banning flash photography in some places are understandable, as they help to protect the safety of those who are epileptic. But banning photography altogether seems overly harsh.
Hair Length
Some companies have rules about hair length that restrict how long a person can grow their hair. These laws are often even stricter for men. Although we abide by these laws, many would agree that telling someone how long they can grow their hair puts a damper on their freedom of expression.
Sneakers to Work
Although some jobs require you to be on your feet all day, many companies will not allow their employees to wear sneakers. Instead, they’re forced to wear uncomfortable office shoes. Some companies stick with the no-sneakers rule even though their employees don’t work in the public eye.
Outside Drinks
When going to a restaurant for a sit-down meal, most establishments won’t allow you to bring your own drinks. Most places won’t even allow you to bring bottled water into an establishment. When eating out, you must be prepared to pay for expensive drinks.
Customer-Only Restrooms
Many restrooms inside commercial establishments have a customer-only policy, which means you can only use the restroom if you’re going to buy something. We all obey these laws when we have to, but we know that restricting when and where someone can use the toilet is invasive and unnecessary.
Restroom Sign-In
Some work establishments have restroom sign-in and sign-out sheets for employers who wish to use the toilet facilities. They put these in check to prevent time from being wasted in big businesses. Those who are employed at these establishments must obey these rules, although they know that putting time pressure on bathroom use is simply wrong.
5 Day Work Week
Working five days a week from Monday to Friday has become the unwritten rule in many work establishments around the globe. But working this schedule doesn’t suit everyone. Although this schedule makes it hard for parents to look after their kids, they still stick to the routine.
Video Recordings
Some public places, like museums, will not allow you to take video recordings. This is true at airports, where you must not use your cell phone while talking with border control. The restrictions on video recordings often spoil occasions for those who want to record the event.
Some public outdoor spaces have restrictions on pets. They say that dogs aren’t allowed or that they must be kept on a leash. But these rules can often be overly restrictive and prevent animal lovers from being able to enjoy themselves fully while out and about.
Library Soft Drinks
Many libraries have strict rules against eating and drinking, even soft drinks, on the premises. While this does help to cut down on mess, the rules make it difficult for people to enjoy a relaxing and comfortable time while reading. Especially when the weather is hot, not being able to drink at the library is a challenge.
Prohibitions on where you can ride a bicycle in cities around the world can put a damper on freedom and limit recreational opportunities. While bike lanes keep things organized, they also take some of the fun out of riding a bike. Bike lanes in parks in quiet towns might even seem completely unnecessary.
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