18 Things from the Boomer Generation That Won’t Survive the Next 20 Years

The Boomer generation made many groundbreaking contributions to society that changed society forever. However, some of these things aren’t appreciated by the younger generation, so they are at risk of disappearing. Here are 18 boomer-approved things that probably won’t survive the next 20 years.

Landline Phones

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Nowadays, it’s considered strange if somebody doesn’t own a cell phone, with many households declining to install a landline phone at all. According to Statista, 90% of US households had a landline phone in 2004, yet now, it’s less than 30%. In five years, we think that figure could be 10%.


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When was the last time you wrote a check to pay for anything? With the popularization of contactless payments, online shopping, and phone payments, checkbooks are rarely used anymore, even by the baby boomer generation. Trust us–there’s no way you’ll catch Gen Z with a pen in 20 years, let alone a checkbook!

Cash Payments

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Just like checks, fewer people are paying cash nowadays, too. Many businesses no longer accept cash payments, and young people find it more convenient to pay by card. The US is slowly moving towards a cashless society, so boomers may be the last generation to pay for things with bills and coins.

Cable Television

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With the popularity of streaming services at an all-time high, cable television is struggling. A survey by Leichtman Research Group found that major cable providers in the US lost 1.7 million subscribers in 2023, and that was only in the second quarter! We’d be surprised if it still existed in 2040.


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Newspapers have been a boomer staple for decades, but younger generations are more accustomed to consuming news online or on TV. Boomers won’t be around to buy them forever, so many newspapers will soon go out of business if they don’t adapt by digitizing their content.

Telephone Books

Image credit: Michal Mrozek/Shutterstock

The first telephone books were invented in the 1800s, and they can still be found in households today. However, most young people have never seen or used one, and the idea of readily available personal information doesn’t appeal to them. There’s no chance they’ll survive the next 20 years.

Shopping Channels

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There’s a reason many shopping channels broadcast during the day: their main viewers are retired people. Though many boomers shop in person or online, they’re still the biggest users of home shopping channels. However, shopping channels are slowly fizzling away in place for online alternatives.

China Tea Sets

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Everybody’s grandparents have at least one china tea set, but younger generations just aren’t interested. The Providence Journal categorizes fine china as a thing of the past, so much so that boomers are struggling to pass them further down the family tree. Admittedly, that’s pretty sad.


Image credit: Daria Voronchuk/Shutterstock

It’s a popular joke that boomers love leaving voicemails, with younger people preferring to either send a text or call back later if there’s no answer. This is because boomers grew up using them, but as smartphones continue to evolve, even they have started moving toward voice notes as a backup option.

Paper Maps

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Some people, like dedicated hikers, still use paper maps, but they’re mostly a relic of the past. With GPS and digital maps now available on any device, there’s just no need for them. Anyway, let’s be honest – paper maps were such a pain to use, especially in bad weather.

Cursive Writing

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Cursive writing used to be taught to all children early in their education, which is why boomers are so adept at it. However, many US schools have removed cursive from their curriculums, so younger generations aren’t learning it. If this trend continues, cursive will soon disappear after the boomer generation passes away.


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Letters used to be a primary mode of communication, but it’s considered wasteful nowadays when you can easily use your smartphone. Letters take days to arrive, postage is more expensive, and it takes much more effort to write them, so they’ve sadly become a thing of the past.

Soap Operas

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Soap operas were a staple of daytime television back when cable networks really took off. They still exist, but their popularity has declined, with younger people choosing reality television instead. These days, it’s mostly just boomers enjoying soaps, so they’ll probably be gone before long.

Fax Machines

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After email was invented in 1971, fax machine usage began to decline. Amazingly, fax machines are still around over 50 years later, but they’re outrageously outdated. They’re pretty much already gone from the Western world, but bizarrely, they’re still widely used in the futuristic country of Japan!

Business Suits

Image credit: Tijana Simic/Shutterstock

When boomers first entered the workforce, they were expected to wear business suits to work, but nowadays, people prefer a more relaxed dress code. Younger workers often wear casual clothes like jeans and sneakers to the office, with only boomers continuing to insist on the importance of business suits.

Decoration Cabinets

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All generations decorate their homes, but having an entire cabinet dedicated to displaying decorations is very much a boomer thing. However, for better or worse, millennials and Gen Z tend to favor minimalist decor. They deem decoration cabinets to be clutter, so like the heirlooms, they’re unlikely to survive the next 20 years.


Image credit: Chizhevskaya Ekaterina/Shutterstock

HOAs are self-governing groups that keep neighborhoods in order by collecting maintenance fees from residents. However, despite their popularity with boomers, younger homeowners dislike HOAs. YouGov reports that 72% of Americans now find the rules of HOAs too restrictive, so without an audience, they probably won’t be around for much longer.


Image credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Finally, the boomer generation adores carpeted floors, but we doubt carpets will be so prevalent in 20 years. Millennials and Gen Z seem to love hardwood floors, and aside from the occasional rug, they don’t want to cover them up. Sleek interior design is in, and excessive carpets are out.

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