18 Habits that Society Considers Lower-Class

Most people have long since discarded the old-fashioned concept of class systems. However, many behaviors still separate society’s upper and lower classes, such as the following 18 habits that are said to be stereotypical of the lower class.


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Everyone engages in gossiping, yet it is often stereotyped as a habit of the lower class. Upper-class people claim it’s an uneducated pastime that signals a lack of proper social etiquette, believing that the negativity of gossiping hints at the presence of envy for what others have.

Riding Public Transport

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In some cities, public transport is undeniably faster and more efficient, and it is sometimes preferred by the rich. However, in most countries, it is generally seen as designed for the lower class, with people using it either because they don’t have a car or can’t afford to maintain one.


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Buying apparel second-hand allows you to get high-quality clothes at a fraction of the price. Despite this cost-saving advantage, thrifting is seen as a benefit only lower-income individuals won’t pass up on. It’s even frowned upon more by snooty upper-class people than buying lower-quality fast-fashion items!

Eating Fast Food

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Eating food from McDonald’s, Burger King, and Pizza Hut may be more expensive than cooking your meals at home, but it’s still very much associated with the lower class. This isn’t just a stereotype either–Times Magazine firmly concludes that the biggest fast-food customer is the lower-middle class.

Using Coupons

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Trying to save money through coupons and discounts could also make others perceive you as low-class. This is especially true if you actively seek out discount opportunities, with many rich people seeing this as you trying to get as much as you can from a small budget.

Habitual Gambling

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Winning money through gambling is a quick (although risky) way to gain financial freedom, and who needs this breakthrough more than low-income individuals? Sure, the rich also gamble, especially in casinos, but the University at Buffalo found that poor people are twice as likely to engage in habitual gambling to the point of addiction.

Dissociation from Higher Education

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The lower and lower-middle classes are more likely to have trouble affording college, and this has led to a disinterest in college as a way to escape these financial challenges. Outrageously, subsidizing higher education through student aid also causes many to see you as among the lower class.

Living in Multigenerational Households

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Multigenerational homes are far more common in areas with higher costs of living and require sacrificing privacy and accommodating more family members. This perhaps explains why many see them as lower class, as the inhabitants don’t mind a bit of discomfort to save money on accommodation.

Using Profane Words

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Another culturally despised habit is using profanities, with the US Department of Education explaining that “those who swear are often seen as low class, unintelligent, and emotionally or mentally unstable.” Society perceives taboo words as dirty, obscene, and lacking in professionalism, although in reality, they’re common among all walks of life.

Engaging in DIY Projects

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Repairing faulty electronics yourself or erecting DIY structures in your home allows you to avoid expensive labor costs, a handy money-saver that low-income individuals will particularly appreciate. For this very reason, there’s a negative stereotype around DIY-related activities, which we think is sad, as DIY is a great hobby to have!

Abandoning Home Maintenance

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Home maintenance is expensive and time-consuming, and only those with disposable income can comfortably afford it. When you ignore making repairs to your home altogether, people may interpret it as you not having enough money to spare. Perceptions deepen when damages have deteriorated into eyesores.

Engaging in Petty Crimes

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Crime exists at all levels of society; while the rich embezzle funds through companies, the lower class engages in pickpocketing or shoplifting. Petty crimes are associated with a need to get by with as little as you can; hence, they’re often used to define the lower class.


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Communicating in a loud tone is seen as a lack of refinement and sophistication. Some even consider it a sign of low self-esteem and insecurity. Ultimately, upper-class people think loud communication is a nuisance, so they don’t mind holding onto this stereotype to keep people in order.

Working too Much

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While richer people can afford to prioritize family and health, low-income individuals may have to prioritize work so they don’t fall behind on the bills. This will often involve holding multiple jobs, something that nobody wishes upon themselves, yet sadly, rich people often look down upon.

Working Manual Jobs

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Despite being essential in society, manual jobs such as working on building sites are often looked down upon by the upper class. As Investopedia puts it, the “working class” is equal to the members of society who engage in physical labor and have skills or education too low to get higher-paying, white-collar jobs.

Avoiding the Hospital

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Healthcare in America is a financial nightmare that only the rich don’t feel bothered by. The middle class uses insurance to maneuver unexpected expenses, while the lower class doesn’t even have this option. It’s no surprise that steering clear of healthcare when you need it is associated with lower-class living.

Prioritizing Instant Gratification

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Many consider a lack of foresight to be a poor or low-class mentality, and low-income individuals usually rely on constant inflows of money to get by. Unfortunately, society now associates the lower class with preferring instant results over investments that yield long-term benefits.

Preferring Low-Cost Recreational Activities

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Last but not least, nothing screams high-class more than being an active member of an expensive golf or gym club. While there’s no reason to think this way, the rich often look down on lower-cost recreational activities, such as community picnics, street football events, or free events.

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